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Lessons from a Journey to InnerSource at American Airlines

At American Airlines, where there are approximately 3,500 people working in IT, the company recognised that there were growing silos of communication and a need for greater collaboration across teams.  In this podcast, we talk to Spencer Kaiser, Principal Architect for Emerging Tech , about how the company embarked on their journey to InnerSource including the critical importance of 'discoverability'. Hear how to build trust, gain support, recruit champions and drive engagement.

Different Perspectives with NearForm · The Journey to InnerSource at American Airlines

If you're new to InnerSource, NearForm can help.  You can learn from our experts with hands-on experience of implementing InnerSource at enterprise scale. Get in touch about our InnerSource developer days, training and consultancy offers or to arrange an initial evaluation with Danese Cooper.    Contact us today to find out more.

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