The Return of In-Person NodeConf EU
NearForm Announces 2022 Return of In-Person NodeConf EU
NearForm is thrilled to announce the return of NodeConf as an in-person event in Ireland after 2 years of virtual conferences due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
NodeConf EU has rightly earned its reputation as the leading key Node.js event in Europe, bringing together the brilliant Node community in a relaxed environment catered to promoting the sharing of ideas.
““As we celebrate NodeConf’s 10th anniversary this year, it is our aim to deliver the highest quality talks, the most relevant workshops and to continue to provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for people to meet and share ideas.” Cliona Quinlan, Events Manager, NearForm”
During the 3 day conference, attendees will hear from over 30 hand-picked speakers and have the opportunity to participate in a selection of workshops with top Node.js contributors.
Call for Speakers
Now accepting proposals for talks and workshops until 6 July.
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““I’m delighted to see NodeConf returning to Ireland after two long years. NodeConf is a part of NearForm’s deep commitment to web open source, and I can’t wait to see our friends in Kilkenny come October.” Cian O'Maidin, Founder, NearForm”
With 3,500 virtual attendees from 96 countries in 2021, NearForm has decided to host NodeConf 2022 as a hybrid event, allowing us to continue to engage with our online audience.
Secure your Tickets Today!
Visit the website for more info and to purchase tickets to the conference.
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