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Deploying with App Engine on Google Cloud Platform

Part 3 of a 6 Part Series on Deploying on Google Cloud Platform

We recently did five mock deployments on Google Cloud Platform using different methods in an effort to understand the nuances associated with each method.

The five methods we investigated were:

We will be examining each of the 5 approaches over the coming weeks and wrap it all up with an article that talks about our findings in the context of all five approaches.

For our third article in the series we will be deploying an application on Google Cloud Platform using App Engine.

Deploying with App Engine

Google App Engine is one of the fully managed, serverless solutions provided by Google Cloud Platform. It allows users to build monolithic server-side rendered websites, and it supports popular development languages with a range of developer tools. It takes care of the server and deployment management so the user can focus on the code.

Google App Engine is best suited for applications that are designed using a microservice architecture. It provides the user with two different environments: standard and flexible. The standard environment runs applications in a sandbox, using specific runtimes. The flexible environment runs applications on Docker containers using any version of the languages supported by App Engine.

More on App Engine can be found at .

When to use App Engine

Google App Engine is designed to provide nearly limitless scalability, which is a good option for applications that are expected to grow fast in traffic. It is also a good call for applications that are written in one of the supported languages: Python, Java, Node.js, Go, Ruby, PHP, or .NET.

Additionally, the most important things to consider when deciding which platform to use are the team's skills in relation to managing servers and monitoring tools. In the case of App Engine, these skills are not strictly necessary. It also has a free tier, which can be a very attractive feature.

How we implemented it

For this solution we used a terraform project that declares the following resources:

  • A VPC with a subnet to connect Redis and CloudRun
  • A redis instance to store data
  • A CloudRun service that runs the application

The project contains a simple Counter Application consuming a Redis Memory Store.

Main Components

Redis Here is a Terraform block declaring the Redis instance.

Plain Text
resource "google_redis_instance" "data" {
 name               = "${var.app_name}-redis"
 region             = var.region
 tier               = "BASIC"
 memory_size_gb     = var.regis_memory_size_gb
 authorized_network =
 connect_mode       = "PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS"

Connector Here we declare the connector that will be used to allow the application to access the Redis instance.

Plain Text
resource "google_vpc_access_connector" "connector" {
 provider      = google-beta
 name          = "${var.app_name}-vpc-conn"
 region        = var.region
 project       = var.project_id
 subnet {
   name =

AppEngine application In the AppEngine application we set two Terraform resources: the application and its standard version. In the standard version resource, we can set parameters like region, image, and the application environment variables, among other details.

Plain Text
resource "google_app_engine_application" "app" {
  project     = var.project_id
  location_id = var.location_id
resource "google_app_engine_standard_app_version" "app_v1" {
  version_id = "v1"
  service    = "default"
  runtime    = "go115"
  entrypoint {
    shell = "main"
  deployment {
    zip {
      source_url = "${}/${}"
  env_variables = {
    REDIS_ADDR = "${}:${}"
  automatic_scaling {
    max_concurrent_requests = 10
    min_idle_instances      = 1
    max_idle_instances      = 3
    min_pending_latency     = "1s"
    max_pending_latency     = "5s"
    standard_scheduler_settings {
      target_cpu_utilization        = 0.5
      target_throughput_utilization = 0.75
      min_instances                 = var.min_instances
      max_instances                 = var.max_instances
  vpc_access_connector {
    name = google_vpc_access_connector.connector.self_link
  delete_service_on_destroy = true

Other Components The complete solution with other components can be found in our repository:

Pros and cons

Pros Cons
Serverless, no servers to manage Only supports a few languages
Nearly limitless scalability, even in short spikes Some level of vendor lock-in (you can’t make system changes, for example)
Frees the users from dealing with monitoring tools It can add complexity to the application, making the architecture harder to understand
It can run small applications for free (on the free tier)
Can be scaled to zero (if the application isn’t needed for a period of time, for example)

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