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DevOps is a Mindset & Culture not a magic set of Tools

Embracing DevOps

In the DevOps world there’s been an explosion of tools being developed with the express goal of facilitating the Agile principles, methods, and practices. Demand for DevOps specialists has soared by 986 percent in the last five years, according to recruitment firm Reed. But plugging the gap with people and tools will not magically bring you DevOps, no matter how sophisticated they are.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is the combination of development and IT operations with the goal of curbing the systems development lifecycle and facilitating continuous delivery of high quality software. See: DevOps on wikipedia

Conversation with DevOps experts

In this episode, NearForm's Director of DevOps Alex Knol and DevOps Consultant David Gonzalez discuss how organisations need to recognise and embrace DevOps and DevSecOps as a culture, the challenges and the success factors and the benefits that go far beyond speed and reduced waste.

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